Draft License Application
On March 27, 2015, KHL filed the Draft License Application (DLA) with FERC. The filing included the following:
- Cover Letter
- Table of Contents and Acronyms/Abbreviations
- Initial Statement
- Exhibit A - Project Description
- Exhibit B - Project Operations and Resource Utilization
- Exhibit C - Construction Schedule
- Exhibit D - Project Costs and Financing
- Exhibit E - Environmental Analysis, including attachments:
- Attachment E-1 - consultation record and documentation [full record of consultation documentation not provided herein; available on FERC’s e-library]
- Attachment E-2 - Aquatic Mapping and Instream Flow Study, Final Report Addendum
- Attachment E-3 - Terrestrial Resources Study, Final Report Addendum
- Exhibit F - General Design Drawings and Supporting Information [public version]
- Exhibit G - Project Boundary Maps
- SHPO Concurrence [note: contains privileged information, no link provided]
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