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Work Group Process

Early in Stage 2 Consultation, KHL organized work groups around broad resource-centric themes to identify key information needs, guide the development of study plans, and review early study results to ensure that data collection was meeting the needs of the agencies and public.  

Fish & Aquatics, Water Quality, and Hydrology Work Group

An agency and stakeholder work group was formed to discuss study plans and field work for the 2009 reconnaissance study effort.  The work group will continue to meet as necessary through the FERC licensing process.

Meeting Summaries


Study Plans

2010 Study Plans

2009 Study Plans


Study Reports


Instream Flow Technical Work Group

The Instream Flow Technical Work Group (TWG) has been formed to review proposed methodology for an instream flow study to be conducted during the FERC licensing process.

Meeting Summaries


Human Environment Work Group  (2010 Draft Recreation and Visual Resources Study Plan




Cultural Resources Work Group (2010 draft Cultural Resources Study Plan)


Terrestrial Environment Work Group (2010 draft Terrestrial Resources Study Plan)

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